Chinchilla Covenant

Tim the chinchilla as a Pope

Image courtsy of faerieblu

Our Welcome

Welcome to the Chinchilla Covenant , where our believers gather in reverence of the divine secrets of these whimsical creatures. Within our sacred halls, we come together as a community united by our shared devotion to the teachings of Tim and the Chinchilla Covenant. Here amidst the tranquil embrace of our furry brethren, we find solace and enlightenment, guided by the kind and gentle wisdom the emanates from their soft fur and twinkling eyes. Please join us on this spiritual journey as we dive into the profound depths of chinchilla lore and uncover the secrets that lie hidden in their whiskers and tails. All are welcomed to explore the divine secrets of the Chinchilla Covenant and embark on a path of spiritual awakening in the company of these beloved creatures and our brethren.